The Chief sits in his cycle shop
Drinking his PBR;
Where can I get a good mechanic
To service my German car?
Up jumps a braw young lad
Lounging by the door
I’m your guy, I can make you fly,
I’ve serviced these wheels before.
He tinkered and tankered, pulled many a spruhl,
Made that old car a sleek modern ride,
Till the final day came, and he rolled it out
To the gleaming great outside.
Three cheers, three cheers, shouted all the lads,
Three cheers for the chief, our guy!
So our Chief rolled away on a bright Sunday
With hardly a cloud in the sky.
Oh they rode north, and they rode north,
Till they came to a great Valley –
“Look to the west, it’s clouding up fast,
And our Chief said, “Follow me!”
They followed him down that long valley
Till an exit appeared on their right;
Let’s stop here, boys, let’s find a motel,
And there’s we’ll spend the night.
Oh the TV played, and the ice cubes clanked,
And they dropped off, one by one,
While outside the wind and clouds rolled in
And of rain there came a great ton.
Oh long may the ladies wait,
With their children on their knee,
Before they see their laddies again
Who drowned in the great valley.
Oh far away the motel site sits,
Now a lake beside a town
And only a flower to mark the place
Where the Chief and his men lay down.