Don't Read Column 2!, or, My Shadow Library
These are some unsuggestions I got from LibraryThing's UnSuggester:

Riddley Walker (Russell Hoban)/ The Fiery Cross (Diana Gabaldon)
Middlemarch (George Eliot) / The Resurrection of the Son of God (N.T. Wright)
Winnie the Pooh (A.A. Milne) / Linked: the New Science of Networks (Albert-Laszlo )Barabasi
leaves of grass / seize the night
his dark materials / wild at heart: discovering the passionate soul of a man
make way for lucia (e.f. benson) /the dragon reborn (robert Jordan)
Middlemarch (George Eliot) / The Resurrection of the Son of God (N.T. Wright)
Winnie the Pooh (A.A. Milne) / Linked: the New Science of Networks (Albert-Laszlo )Barabasi
leaves of grass / seize the night
his dark materials / wild at heart: discovering the passionate soul of a man
make way for lucia (e.f. benson) /the dragon reborn (robert Jordan)

idylls of the king / who moved my cheese? (#2)
ahab's wife / don't make me think: a guide to web usability
one man's meat
/ vampire lestat
a box of matches / the hobbit (love 'em both)
ahab's wife / don't make me think: a guide to web usability
one man's meat

a box of matches / the hobbit (love 'em both)

alice in wonderland / sytematic theology
winnie ille pu / blindness
peter pan in kensington gardens / into thin air
norton anthology of modern poetry
/ the rule of four
ring of bright water / vampire lestat
rise of silas lapham / the wee, free men (!)
house of mirth / programming RUBY: the pragmatic program
the man with a load of mischief / the things they carried -- NO No NO!! I like them both!
outcast of redwall / the summons
coyote waits / his dark materials -- No! They're both fine!
voyages of dr. dolittle
/ nausea (?? !! seasick?
winnie ille pu / blindness
peter pan in kensington gardens / into thin air

norton anthology of modern poetry

ring of bright water / vampire lestat
rise of silas lapham / the wee, free men (!)
house of mirth / programming RUBY: the pragmatic program
the man with a load of mischief / the things they carried -- NO No NO!! I like them both!
outcast of redwall / the summons
coyote waits / his dark materials -- No! They're both fine!
voyages of dr. dolittle

I hadn't heard of UnSuggestions! Lovely! Also: Riddley Walker--brilliant book.
Yes, indeedy! If you like Riddley Walker, you might like the Yahoo group the-kraken. If you like the UnSuggester, I guess by now you know where to go: (!
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