Tuesday, December 5

Full Moon December Dawn

I have the best commute in the country, 25 minutes down a little valley with a view of the mountains to the west and a tall ridge to the east. Some mornings the back glow of dawn is stunning on the peaks of the Blue Ridge. It's a time to listen to npr and make the transition from home to work. I go under the Blue Ridge Parkway each time, but from the road, it's just an overpass. Because of increasing development, trees that previously blocked the view to the west have been cleared. This morning the full moon shone over the western ridge.


mimi k said...

beautiful photo!

JLH said...

Thanks. Sometimes it's worth stopping your car and getting out. I wish I knew which peak it was. The famous Cold Mountain is out there somewhere. The really distinctive peak on the ridge is Mt. Pisgah, with the rat nibbling at the big mountain, but it wasn't within view at that point. I'll get it one day and post it. I have a mental project of "[x] views of Mt. Pisgah," because it's so distinctive, and you get so many varied views of it from Asheville.